BrainOroma specializes in conducting Dermatoglyphics reports, delving into the intricate study of skin patterns. Derived from the German words “derma,” meaning skin, and “glyphic,” signifying patterns, Dermatoglyphics unfolds the unique analysis of these skin patterns. The developmental journey commences during a woman’s 13th week of pregnancy, when the child’s fingerprints begin to take shape.

Focusing on the crucial early stages, the impact of a positive environment on a pregnant woman is paramount. Scientifically, the fingerprints formed during this period persist throughout a lifetime, influencing the child’s personality. Consequently, every action and experience during this critical phase contributes to shaping the child’s character. This life-long report, rooted in extensive research, is available for individuals ranging from 2 to 70 years old.

Introduced by Howard Gardner in his 1983 book, “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences,” this model draws on scientific studies from the realms of Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology, and Embryology. Notably, the Chinese have long utilized fingerprints in this context.

Dermatoglyphics reports extend their benefits universally, transcending community, age, and gender barriers. Tailored advantages cater to different demographics:

Dermatoglyphics For




BrainOroma’s Purpose:

BrainOroma champions the cause of systematic parenting awareness, aiming to revolutionize traditional parenting approaches. The mission extends to unveiling latent talents and highlighting core competencies in individuals. Notably, with 72% of the global population potentially in the wrong occupation, BrainOroma strives to guide individuals onto the correct career path.